

    1. Age
    2. Ethnicity
      • Incidence in African-American > Caucasians > Hispanic/Latino > Asian-American
      • Men of Asian descent living in the US have a lower incidence compared to white Americans, but their risk is higher than that of Asians living in Asia, suggesting a dietary, lifestyle, environmental factor
    3. Family history
      • ≈15% of prostate cancer patients have the familial or hereditary form
      • Risk varies according to the number of affected family numbers, their degree of relatedness, and the age at which they were affected
        • Father affected: relative risk (RR) 2.2x
        • Brother affected: RR 3.4x
        • First-degree family member affected, age <65 at diagnosis: RR 3.3x
        • >2 first-degree relatives affected: RR 5.1x
        • Second-degree relative affected: RR 1.7x
    4. Germline mutations
      • Genes that substantially increase risk:
        1. HOXB13
        2. BRCA
          • BRCA-associated, especially BRCA2, cancers are more aggressive
            • More likely to present with higher grade, locally advanced, and metastatic disease, and have worse cancer-specific survival and metastasis-free survival after prostatectomy
            • 2-6x increased lifetime risk (BRCA2 > BRCA1)
            • Increased risk of metastatsis and prostate cancer-specific mortality§
          • BRCA-cancers: breast, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, melanoma
      • Incidence of germline mutations in genes mediating DNA-repair processes in prostate cancer (2016)
        • Population: 692 men
        • Results:
          • Incidence of germline mutations in genes mediating DNA-repair processes was significantly higher in males with metastatic prostate cancer (11.8%) compared to males with localized prostate cancer (4.6%) and the general population (2.7%)
        • Pritchard et al. NEJM 2016
      • Lynch syndrome§
        • Due to mutation in mismatch repair genes
        • Associated cancers: (8) colonic (most common), endometrial (second most common), prostate, urothelial, adrenal, gastric, pancreatic, uterine, ovarian, and sebaceous carcinomas
    5. Inflammation
      • Likely contributes to development and progression of early-stage disease
      • Potential triggers for inflammation include dietary carcinogens (especially from cooked meats), estrogens, and infectious agents
      • Studies assessing the association between infection and prostate cancer have shown mixed results; some data suggest that history of STIs and prostatitis is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer
    • Polymorphisms in both synthetic and metabolic genes, including the androgen receptor (AR), the 5-alpha reductase type 2 isoenzyme, and genes involved in testosterone biosynthesis, have been reported to affect risk
    • Insulin-like growth factor axis is important in prostate cancer risk and progression
    • Polymorphisms conferring lower vitamin D receptor activity are associated with increased risk for prostate cancer; vitamin D and its interaction with its receptor modulates disease aggressiveness
    • Smoking increases risk and is associated with worse biochemical recurrence, metastasis, and cancer-specific mortality
    • Mixed results with alcohol
Molecular Genetics
  1. What proportion of US males are diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime?
  2. Which germline mutations are associated with increased risk of prostate cancer?
  3. What are the BRCA2 related cancers?
  4. Which 5 ARI subtype (type 1 vs 2) is predominantly in the prostate? Also found in the brain?
  5. What is the most common gene fusion identified in localized prostate cancer?


  1. What proportion of US males are diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime?
    • ≈1/7-1/9
  2. Which germline mutations are associated with increased risk of prostate cancer?
    • HOXB13 and BRCA2
  3. What are the BRCA2 related cancers?
    • Breast, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, melanoma
  4. Which 5 ARI subtype (type 1 vs 2) is predominantly in the prostate? Also found in the brain?
    • Type 2 is primarily in the prostate and other genital tissues such as the epididymis, genitalia, seminal vesicle, testis, but also in liver, uterus, breast, hair follicles, and placenta
    • Type 1 is primarily in the non-genital skin and liver, and also found in the prostate, testis, and brain
  5. What is the most common gene fusion identified in localized prostate cancer?
    • TMPRSS2 fused to ERG
Next Chapter: Prevention